Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Prob number one: A box

Hey everyone!

IDK if this will show up because I'm still super mystified by technology, but I'm Clara. I addressed this week's poetry problem, "this poem won't fit in this box, what do i do?"

I wrote a little zine for my response, with words and pictures by me spare two stock photos of boxes, lol. I chose images that felt like they were taken from inside of something -- images that felt closed in and trapped -- and one image that felt limitless; roaming, in a way. The pictures from the middle slide are all from Meramec caverns, a cave system in Missouri (they have an illuminated picture of Lassie one of the chambers, a cabin in another, it's a campy place). Besides that, I guess there's not a lot to say. Hope you enjoy! If you want to look at a physical copy of this just ask me and I can give you one or lend you one, no problem. I only have one right now though so be patient haha

:-)   - Clara


  1. This is wonderful, Clara! I love the images and the whole feel of the zine, and the solution/poem(s) is/are excellent, too. The "Tangible" ideas are both practical & "correct" and "poetic" and "deep." "Hymn and her container, as one" is an interesting and cool moment. I also like that you provide one tangible solution that involves ripping the box apart and letting the poem inhabit the ruin. The ideas on the cloudy "Allegorical/Abstract" pages also privilege the poem and make the box submit to it. The layers of text on the Lassie page work well, and I like that "do what feels right" is in there. That seems like a good solution, and also perhaps sums up the energy that went into this project. The opening and closing images are interesting in the way they feel simultaneously cavernous and claustrophobic, which seems right for this box problem. Excellent, creative, inventive, and original work.

  2. Clara I'm so glad this came together! I think the ending is my favorite part, not only because orange is my favorite color and that the walls are orange, but because of your address to the friend who might have had a box or might have spoken in metaphor. But like Majerus mentioned above the "Hymn and her container, as one" is such a good line and I like how that comes back and asks "who needs a hymn any more" without putting poetry in a box I like this idea because we have the metaphor of poetry like a song, like a hymn, a vehicle for transcendence and by the time you've peeled away all the constructs of "the box" you realize you have transcended and poetry is more innate than elemental. Does this project have a title other than little zine? if not this could be a really interesting multimedia addition to Unique's website so submit if you'd like!

  3. This is so good! Ah, now you've set such a high standard for the rest of us to match -- we'll do our best! I agree with Ellen, I love the way you've set it up so that it's a person giving advice to a friend, and we don't know whether they have a real box or a metaphorical one. That's such a creative way to set it up, and you're truly looking at it from all angles. One of my favorite parts is on the page with the dog, and the line "I feel like I'm in the box." That line gave me a lot to think about, very philosophical -- are *we* the poems? I don't think I can offer any real criticisms or thoughts on what I'd have done differently; I really love this. Great job!

  4. This is interestingly tangible. I'm curious what kind of texture the paper has. The paper might be glossy, which would put a sort-of sleazy spin on things, or it could be like normal thin office paper, which would make this seem intellectual in an over-thought-out kind of way, or it might be printed on some kind of construction paper, a construction of a mind constructed by a mind with a mind into something for other minds and hands and fingers but probably no noses.

  5. I came here to say just what Elissa said. This is such a great response. My favorite line was also the "I feel like I'm in the box" line. This line totally throws the question on its head as well as directly relates to your pictures taken within boxes. Also, I loved the clouds image, gave me that free expansive feeling for sure.
    When we were brainstorming this question I was overwhelmed by all the ways you could go with it. I think you managed to include most of them in this post which is very ambitious. I'm impressed that you made it work with so many different concepts coming together in one palace.

  6. Clara I've looked at this 10+ times it makes me so happy. My favorite page is the one with Lassie, the dissonance there (and "I feel like I'm in the box"; !!). I also like the theme of going thru all of this thinking to help a homie (but also learning for yourself) and compiling solutions for them, in case there was really a box. The zine itself is really nice too -- great content, nice font + placement. I'm impressed that you managed to encompass everything in such a creative way.
